74. Over the finishing line…

So, if this post has appeared, I’m now raising a glass at the pearly bar with my brother.  First-up; please don’t put any sad or crying faces below this post. I’m in no pain now, the uncertainty around my future has gone, and I’m finally catching up on lost years with my bro 😀 I’m happy, so... Continue Reading →

72. Finding my new ‘normal’

It's been a while, again, I know. And lots of people have been asking, as always, how am I doing? Well. That's the problem - it's been so up and down, I've been reluctant to write, knowing that as soon as I click 'Publish' things could feel different, leaving people with the wrong idea. So... Continue Reading →

71. Still here…

Why do I always seem to start my posts with “it’s been a while since my last update…’? For someone who loves writing, and given how much my life has changed in the two months since my last post, you’d think I’d have been taping way like mad, right? So how come the blog’s been... Continue Reading →

70. The next chapter

So, I’m conscious my last post was pretty heavy. And I’ve not updated since then. But I wanted to wait until the zaps were finished and we had a better idea of what happens next before posting again. So here’s the update. I saw the lovely Max again today (no mum, I can't bring him... Continue Reading →

68. What’s going on?

So I promised to update again after the scan, and also said I know these things tend to escalate quickly. And lots has happened this week, and much is still uncertain. So I’ll give a quick update as promised, but can’t guarantee much detail I’m afraid! Monday – the MRI scan I was due a... Continue Reading →

67. Headaches and happy days

I’ve been reluctant to moan for a while; everyone’s struggling with their own shit at the moment, so reading mine will hardly help, will it? But I also felt it’s time I did an update, as the blog’s not just about helping other people, it also helps me, both in releasing any frustration as well... Continue Reading →

66. Mutley, meet Max

In the midst of a global pandemic, this week gave me a feeling of optimism - I met Max. Or more importantly, we got the opportunity for Mutley to meet Max. As usual, a quick recap. After beating breast cancer in 2017, it returned in 2018. Still as breast cancer, the nasty cells had escaped... Continue Reading →

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